Launching Tel-AI-phone Beta

Tel-AI-phone logo with silly AI generated images behind it

Jacob here,

Today I am launching a public beta for my new game Tel-AI-phone. I’m so excited! I’ve been working on Tel-AI-phone for months, and I seriously can not wait to get people’s reaction and feedback on the game.

Since I’ve never done this before I’ll start by answering the questions I think people will have:

What is Tel-AI-phone?

Tel-AI-phone is a spin on the classic telephone message game played as a local party game for 4-8 players. Instead of whispering and drawing, you pass images generated by AI. It can be accessed by any device that can access a webpage. One device will act as the host, it’s best to cast or display this device on a large screen or TV that everyone can see. Then everyone can access the game by going to where they will enter their name and the game code.

What is beta?

Beta is a type of testing period commonly used when developing software or other products. What this means is that you will likely encounter bugs and glitches. Expect the game to change quite a bit over the next few months. I’ll try to time releases so they don’t affect active games, but if major bugs are found I may have to interrupt active games.

How long will it last?

The current beta period will go until February 29th.

How much does it cost?

Free! However, I am asking a favor. I need feedback. At the end of every game and on the landing page where you start games you will see a feedback form link. If anyone who played has any feedback about the game please send it my way. The goal of the beta is to make improvements to the game and I can’t do that without your feedback.

Who is invited?

It’s a public beta. If your consider yourself part of the “public” then I’d love you to play my game.

Sounds fun how do I play?

Click the “Play Now” button below to create an account and access the game.

I’m a journalist, do you have a press-kit?

Thanks for asking, as a matter of fact I do (click here). If there’s something else that you need please let me know.

The biggest ways you can help me are to 1 - Share this game with as many people as you can, and 2 - Send me feedback on the game as you play it.

I am so excited to share Tel-AI-phone and can’t wait to get your feedback.


Jacob Strong


How’d the beta go?


Announcing Tel-AI-Phone