Even a preschooler

Working on Tel-AI-phone is a side passion project for me. As you would imagine my kids are very interested in what I do when I disappear into our home office.

At first I was hesitant to have my kids play Tel-AI-phone since it requires typing. But after their relentless asking I finally gave in, and to my surprise they absolutely love it, and can play almost entirely by themselves.

What I hadn’t considered, is yes while playing Tel-AI-phone requires typing, the main game doesn’t require any reading, just describing an image. We showed my daughter how to use the speech-to-text feature on our iPad, and now she can play the game entirely on her own. She just makes blind guesses during the matching phase, but she doesn’t care. She loves seeing the images she generates, and honestly she is better than most adults at giving good prompts to the AI.

I added a video of her playing it down below.




Think Upside Down


How’d the beta go?