Think Upside Down

I very often find myself fighting with a tool or a technology to try and get something exactly right. One recent example was when I was working on the homepage of this website.

Even though I’m a programmer I use Squarespace to host my website simply because of how much faster I can do things. Occasionally there are things that they haven’t built into the designer. One of those things is the ability to rotate a shape. I was trying to get a design just right with arrows pointing from a block of text to a link, but I just couldn’t get the triangles I was using as arrows to point the right way.

I fought with this problem for probably 5 whole minutes before it occurred to me to switch the position of the link and the block of text. Ok sure, it doesn’t flow quite as well, but nobody but me will notice.

As a one man team working on Tel-AI-phone I don’t have time to get every little thing perfect so finding little ways to take shortcuts is one of my top priorities. Doing something the right way can often take way longer than doing something good enough. And not doing something at all is 100% time saved.


Jacob Strong

P.S. Here’s the link I was trying to get just right.




Even a preschooler